Networking Training

Networking courses designed by Ertugrul Belen have outreached more than 50 thousand professionals and entrepreneurs. Networking courses are intended to expand participants' understanding of their network and strengthen their collaborations.

The Networking Course introduces the concept of Networking as the Art of Meeting, Referring and Getting Known™, and instructs participants on how to build strong ties in the light of set goals; the tips for getting to know people without cowering away; and the specifics of impressing people and getting known through a personal elevator pitch to be leveraged during meetings.

Business cases and practices employed in Networking courses are specifically tailored to the profile of the organization and participants, guided by the meetings and exchange of information that take place before the course.

Suggested Participation
•    Executives and executive candidates who have it as a responsibility to develop business and meet new people on a regular basis; 
•    Group companies, and the teams thereof, who are expected to get to further know each other;
•    Sales departments, retail stores and all other functions who are in constant contact with customers;
•    Professionals whose tasks involve large teams requiring intensive communication with people;
•    Corporate and individual entrepreneurs who pursue new investments and business growth
•    Those who are interested in expanding their business and social network and learning the specifics of Networking
•    Anyone who is willing to build and maintain solution-driven effective collaborations

Networking, Meeting, Referring and Getting Known™ course in bullet points:
•    Positioning Networking's Key Business and Social Contacts on the Networking Map
•    Networking Strategies
•    Obstacles to Successful Networking
•    The Specifics of Networking and Building an Effective Network: Meeting Techniques
•    Guaranteeing an Effective First Impression in Meetings
•    Small Talk and Elevator Pitch Strategies to Remain in Minds
•    Tips to Building an Elevator Pitch
•    Strengthening Contacts Through Meeting and Referring
•    Methods to Sustain Relations Through Finding Commons
•    Preparations Prior to Networking Events and Conferences
•    Meeting Anyone Comfortably in an Environment of Unknown Faces
•    The Art of Business Cards
•    Effective Networking on Social Networks
•    Speed Networking™ with Participants During the Seminar

Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, the participants will: Have acquired the essential understanding of building a network in the light of corporate and individual goals;
Have gained a new insight into their existing and new network, as well as into what one should know to transform existing contacts into effective relations;
Be able to introduce themselves to an unknown environment and readily apply the techniques to feel as comfortable as "the host of the event" once they leave; and
Have new contacts with, and get to further know, other participating professionals.