Speed NetworkingTM Session

Speed Networking™ sessions intend to help a large group of people meet during a brief encounter in a result-oriented and effective manner, and build on their relations.

Such a practice at the beginning of a conference will allow all participants to feel more comfortable with one another and to expand their network more quickly during the remainder of the event.

Having introduced this practice to Turkey for the first time and having it patented by the Turkish Patent Institute, Business Networking Academy founder Ertugrul Belen provides organizations with tailor-made Speed Networking activities that have already brought together more than 50 thousand professionals, entrepreneurs and investors.

Target Participants

  • New teams and professional groups of businessmen who have yet to get to know one another
  • Organizations that want participants of a particular conference or business gathering to get to know one another
  • Firms that place a particular attention to effective meetings between foreign delegations and professionals in Turkey
  • Businesspersons' associations and NGOs intending to enhance their commercial collaborations
  • Any organization that care for their customers and members

Speed Networking™ Sample Format:
Meeting points will be established in the venue, in a way to accommodate 20 people at each consecutive meeting "station".

For quality purposes, it is essential to organize the Speed Networking™ session in a spacious place (10 m x 20 m) and on a single-level platform.

At each switch, 10 professionals within a particular meeting point will move on, while the other 10 will remain.

During registration, participants will be provided with "move on" and "wait" cards along with the meeting point ID number prepared by Business Networking Academy. Groups holding the "wait" cards will remain where they are throughout the session, and others will switch at certain intervals.

Participants who already know each other within a group should be appointed to different stations.

A cocktail table and a moderator should be available at each meeting station. Moderators will be chosen from among the management team members or volunteering professionals. They will be chosen and provided with a 5-minute Speed Networking™ session during prior preparations.

A five-minute networking session will take place at each station. This activity will be carried out with participants standing.

Each participant is requested through announcements to bring at least 100-150 business cards.

Participants who do not have business cards will be given empty business cards prepared by Business Networking Academy.

Elevator Pitch format will be explained in detail in the Networking presentation delivered prior to the activity so that encounters during Speed Networking™ are effective and focused on results.